TARABUSTER EP. 113: Midterm Aftermath and the Republican Gaslighting of America

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Hosted by
Tara Devlin
Well, one good thing happened this week. The Democrats won control of the House of Representatives. Twitler did his best “Bagdad Bob” impression, pretending it was a victory (of course) and proceeded to lash out at the press like the 72-year-old tyrant/toddler he is.

In other news, another preventable gun massacre occurred and Republicans responded with their NRA-approved talking points.

Then democracy-hating Republicans accused Democrats of “stealing” elections for wanting to count every vote.

We discuss the another week of madness.

Regular “Tarabuster” contributor, comedian Poppy Champlin calls in during the second hour to talk Tara off the ledge after a particularly upsetting week for her personally.


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Episode 138