TARABUSTER EP. 102: GOP Crime Family: Know them by their Fruits and the Company they Keep

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Hosted by
Tara Devlin
Trump’s campaign chair and so-called “fixer” become admitted, convicted felons on the same day while the Republican Party keeps whistling past the graveyard, trying to ram as many oligarch-friendly, democracy-destroying policies as they can through before the house of cards comes tumbling down.

Television writer and producer, Julie Larson (Dharma and Greg, Drew Carey Show, Whose Line is it Anyway) joins Tara in the second hour.

We discuss the another week of madness.

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Rebroadcast on Progressive Voices Sunday 6PM EST, then ANYTIME on the Progressive Voices App.

Tarabuster is also on GDPR Revolution 99 [http://gdprrevolution99.com]

Spend your Saturday Evenings with Tara Devlin.

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Episode 127