TARABUSTER EP. 72: The #TrumpShutdown Proves Again that Republicans are Unfit to Govern

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Hosted by
Tara Devlin
TARABUSTER EP. 72: The #TrumpShutdown Proves Again that Republicans are Unfit to Govern

As Trump enters his second year in office with a government shutdown despite Republican majorities in Congress, it’s clear that Trump would rather play golf than do his job.

Couple that with Republican hatred of government, and the people of the United States are the ones who suffer. Of course.

We must relegate Republicans to permanent minority status if this country has a shot at survival.

Tune in tonight 7PM EST a FACEBOOK and Youtube LIVE for another LIVE “Tarabuster!”

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Rebroadcast on Progressive Voices Sunday 6PM EST, then ANYTIME on the Progressive Voices App.

Tarabuster is also on GDPR Revolution 99 [http://gdprrevolution99.com]

Spend your Saturday Evenings with Tara Devlin.

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