Just before 2 AM est on Saturday morning, Trump’s Republican Party gave the “donor class” a big, wet, kiss on their already-thoroughly-kissed asses, deliberately ignoring the majority of their constituents who are against yet another advance in the destruction of democracy.
The fact that we have something called a “donor class” in a supposed “democratic republic” just proves that the “Grand Experiment” is in serious need of a reboot.
Tune in tonight 7PM EST at FYINATION.com for another LIVE “Tarabuster!”
Join RDTdaily’s Tara Devlin for our weekly therapy session for the Resistance!
Rebroadcast on Progressive Voices Sunday 6PM EST, then ANYTIME on the Progressive Voices App.
Spend your Saturday Evenings with Tara Devlin and her delightful Executive Producer, Thomas Reynolds. Tweet us using the hashtag #FYILive, or directly at @REALTaraDevlin or join the chat at FYINation.com or call 810-479-4394 to leave a message that may be played on the air!