Tara Devlin’s 2-Minute Tirade No.144- GOP Making America Exceptionally SICK Again

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Hosted by
Tara Devlin
Tara Devlin ‘s “Two-Minute Tirade” 144

Topic: Republicans Making America Exceptionally SICK Again

This is Tara Devlin, AKA Taradacktyl from RepublicanDirtyTricks.com on The Progressive Voices Channel on TuneIn. And this is a Two-Minute Tirade

The Pre-ACA American health care system that Republicans just voted to reinstate, was twice as expensive as the next most expensive system, bankrupted millions, kills thousands, left millions out and consistently ranked last or next to last in all positive measures – but it made a few people very rich, so that’s the system Republicans are inflicting on us again.

Just enjoy living in a country where someone can be inflicted with the type of Elephantiasis Lymphedema only seen in so-called “Third World” countries, because he can’t afford to see a doctor.

Yes, that’s true, an American man living in Las Vegas, named Wesley Warren, Jr. pre-ACA, had no insurance and also elephantitis of the scrotum. He tried to raise money to have it removed, but he only raised $2000 dollars. You know, sort of like a Republican “health savings plan,” which is nothing but an excuse to give more money to banks while placating you with the false security. So his scrotum grew to 135 pounds, which is rather “exceptional” for a scrotum, I must admit. It kinda makes sense he’s an American.

Well, like Republicans predict, the “free market” stepped in. Not the heal the man, to create a reality TV show. Called “The Man with the 132 Pound Scrotum.”

So it’s like a “win-win.” Corporations get to profit on our miseries some more and we get a reality tv show to distract us for the lumps on our bodies that we can’t afford to see a doctor about because we can’t take a day off of work, because we can’t lose our employer-sponsored insurance.

So, thanks, Republicans for teaching us the dignity of work… ing with a cancer diagnosis and making America exceptional again – exceptionally SICK!

This is Tara Devlin from http://RepublicanDirtyTricks.com. Go there find links to my Facebook Twitter and Instagram communities and keep listening for Two-Minute Tirades and more on The Progressive Voices Channel on TuneIn.

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