This is Tara Devlin, AKA Taradacktyl from http://.com on The Progressive Voices Channel on TuneIn. And this is a Two-Minute Tirade
You gotta have hobbies. One of mine is studying sort of the same way Jane Goodall studied primates.
In my observations, I’ve noted (like others have) that CONservatives seem to believe that the human race is made up of inherently bad people – not them – of course – and the people who look like them… but those “others” (mainly brown people) who’re lounging out in the social safety net hammock.
Of course, this isn’t true…. America doesn’t even have a generous safety net in comparison to the rest of the world, and the only people really taking advantage of us all are the welfare queens at the TOP.
Can you imagine the laugh the Koch Brothers must have had seeing these morons they bussed into Washington rallying they THEY were “taxed enough already!?” When we all know that they’re really having a tantrum there was a black guy in the White House who they swear was “bribing” everyone with Obama phones or something.
Never mind that most people on welfare aren’t black… the CONservative meme that liberals are the true racists because they “lure” African Americans by offering them “dependency,” is just a modern update to that old racist trope that African Americans are like easily-led children who must be “taught” higher moral values.
So, when they cut people’s lifelines, they’re not just working out their racist manias, but they’re teaching people pride and forcing them to learn the dignity of work – an insulting notion that assumes that pride and dignity are characteristics that “some” people don’t inherently possess.
But, conservatives insist they’re PATRIOTS – look at their tri-cornered hats draped with teabags! But, that’s another one of the misguided lies… because the word patriot comes from the Latin meaning “fellow-countryman.”
So you can’t say you’re a patriot. If you love your country but turn your back on the people in it.
This is Tara Devlin from Go there find links to my Facebook Twitter and Instagram communities and keep listening for Two-Minute Tirades and more on The Progressive Voices Channel on TuneIn.
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