PV_TaraDevlin_2MinTirade_133 – The Stinking Zombie GOP Corpse

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Hosted by
Tara Devlin
Tara Devlin ‘s “Two-Minute Tirade” number 133

Topic: Stinking Zombie GOP Corpse Just Wont Die!

This is Tara Devlin, AKA Taradacktyl from http://RepublicanDirtyTricks.com on The Progressive Voices Channel on TuneIn. And this is a Two-Minute Tirade.

I’ve said it before. Republicans are unfit to hold leadership positions in a modern nation. Just look at who they’ve made their standard bearer! But let’s face it… if this were a functioning democracy with a free press beholden to the people, not corporate greed, we’d be thanking Donald Trump for finally putting an end to the Republican oligarchy agenda once and for all. Trump has ripped the GOP covers off, revealing the rotten core of overt racism, warmongering and xenophobia upon which the Republican Party has built a façade of… well… covert racism, warmongering and xenophobia – or what they like to call “making America great again!”

But rather than put the nail in the coffin, the corporate media keeps the rotting zombie Republican corpse animated, spreading its sickness ..

…and I’m not being mean calling them a rotting zombie corpse… because after the last presidential election the GOP did an “autopsy.” Which… is something performed on dead things.

Republicans found out that the stinking corpse of conservatism doesn’t appeal to all sorts of people… black people… young people… gay people… female people… people who want to breathe fresh air…. people who don’t want to eat poison… people who want to live on an inhabitable planet… people emotionally capable of living with people who aren’t just straight white males.

They want to re-brand the GOP as a party for everyone – by giving America a candidate who is enthusiastically endorsed by white supremacists, neo-nazis and the KKK.

Yep. what’s bad for America is good for selfish greed, it seems. So with plenty of billionaires and their corporate mouthpieces propping it up, That stinking rotting zombie Republican corpse just won’t die.

This is Tara Devlin from http://RepublicanDirtyTricks.com. Go there find links to my Facebook Twitter and Instagram communities and keep listening for Two-Minute Tirades on Demand on the progressive voices app or on on The Progressive Voices Channel on TuneIn.

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