ISTBR: TARABUSTER – EP.13: We’ve only just begun to RESIST FASCISM!

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Hosted by
Tara Devlin
Join‘s Tara Devlin as we discuss the Orange Menace’s “Hamilton” Twitter tantrum, and the fundamental unfitness of emotionally-stunted right wingers to function in the type of free, democratic society they pretend to love.


Tune in Saturdays 7PM EST to to join us LIVE.
Rebroadcast on Progressive Voices Sunday 6PM EST, then ANYTIME on the Progressive Voices App!

Spend your Saturday Evenings with Tara Devlin and her delightful Executive Producer, Thomas Reynolds. Tweet us using the hashtag #FYILive, or directly at @RepubDirtyTrick or join the chat at or call 810-469-4394 to leave a message that may be played on the air!

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