IT SUCKS TO BE RIGHT EPISODE 55 TOPIC: Are We Too Stupid to Maintain a True Democracy?

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Hosted by
Tara Devlin
In their regular 6-minute segments featured at the top of the hour on the Progressive Voices Channel on Tune-In, New York-based comedian Tara Devlin and Southern comedian Sherri D. Sutton look at news and politics through an unapologetically liberal lens.

Are we too stupid to have a democracy?

Republicans claim the mantle of patriotism and claim to “love” America – as they cheer for an authoritarian who requires nothing of them but their willful ignorance and unbridled unquestioning support.

For all of recorded history, world governments have mostly consisted of some form of authoritarian rule with entrenched wealth and intergenerational aristocracy.

In their 55th episode, Tara and Sherri wonder if the United States ever get her republic back or will we be the next failed “grand experiment?”


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Episode 13