TARABUSTER EP. 105: The GOP Went From “Unconscionable” to “Irredeemable” Pretty Quickly

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Hosted by
Tara Devlin
Another week in Trump’s America. Republicans continue to ram a white, pasty-faced sycophant on to the court despite the fact that he most likely has a gambling problem and may be a teenage wannabe rapist. What do we expect from the party who ran a child molester for the Senate and has a con man traitor for its standard bearer?

As long as they can roll back regulations, kick people off health care and funnel more money into the hands of the oligarchy.

Comedian, Educator and Motivational Speaker, Karen Williams joins Tara in the second hour.

Karen Williams, M.EdFounder / CEOHaHA InstituteFor the Best in Stand-Up Comedy, Humor Education and Motivational Speaking


We discuss the another week of madness.

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Rebroadcast on Progressive Voices Sunday 6PM EST, then ANYTIME on the Progressive Voices App.

Tarabuster is also on GDPR Revolution 99 [http://gdprrevolution99.com]

Spend your Saturday Evenings with Tara Devlin.

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Episode 130