Fact is, Republicans don’t care whether Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted Dr. Ford and lied to Americas face under oath – they’re busy entrenching oligarchy and dismantling democracy and putting the huddled masses firmly back in our subservient “place.”
Are we going to allow them to get away with it?
Comedian Ron Placone from the Young Turks, The Jimmy Dore Show and “Get Your News On With Ron” calls in during the second hour.
We discuss the another week of madness.
Call In Line: 360-777-6007
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Rebroadcast on Progressive Voices Sunday 6PM EST, then ANYTIME on the Progressive Voices App.
Tarabuster is also on GDPR Revolution 99 [http://gdprrevolution99.com]
Spend your Saturday Evenings with Tara Devlin.
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